City of Heroes Wiki
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Many functional Base Items require energy to operate. Energy is provided by Energy items, which like other base objects, come in both Tech and Arcane styles. Auxiliary items must match the style of the main energy item they're being paired to. Energy itself isn't typed - for example, energy that comes from an arcane energy item can be used to power a tech telepad.


Arcane Name Tech Name Price Energy Produced Unlocked By Crafted
Power Crystal Basic Generator 225,000 prestige 1000 N/A No
Ley Tap Turbine Generator 1,500,000 prestige 5000 N/A Yes
Dimensional Vortex Fusion Generator 7,500,000 prestige 25,000 Fusion Generator Plans Badge Yes


Arcane Name Tech Name Price Energy Produced Unlocked By Crafted
Crystal Focus Circuit Breaker 50,000 prestige 150 N/A No

Base Rooms : Control | Defense | Decorative | Energy | Medical | Transport | Vault | Workshop

Base Items : Control | Defense (PVP) | Energy | Medical | Transport | Workshop

Base Plots : Hidden | Secure
