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The Black Helicopter Line is an alternative transportation from the Ferry service, but offers less destinations from each helicopter. It is quite obviously created and maintained by Arachnos. This helicopter service connects various parts of the Rogue Isles. Destinations served vary depending where you start from.

Departure point: * St. Martial

Destinations available from St. Martial:

Departure point: * Nerva Archipelago

Destinations available from Nerva Archipelago:

This Black Helicopter is located very close to the Ferry, on the southernmost island of Nerva Archipelago.

Departure point: * Cap au Diable

Destinations available from Cap au Diable:

This Black Helicopter is located on the eastern side of Cap au Diable, near the Bloody Bay PvP area.

Departure point: * Mercy Island

Destinations available from Mercy Island:

This Black Helicopter is located at Fort Cerebus, near the Mercy zone.
