City of Heroes Wiki
This article is about control as it pertains to gameplay mechanics. For control as it pertains to supergroup bases, see Base Control Items and Control Room.


A Control power set is one which can manipulate an enemy, often called mez or Status Effect. For heroes, these sets are found in the Controller archetype, and for villains are found in the Dominator archetype. Some of the powers found in these sets have the ability to Immobilize, Stun, Sleep, Hold, Confuse, Fear, Slow, Knockback, or Slow.

Archetypeicon controller
Controller Sets

**Note: Only the Control powers and effects will be listed. The set may have other powers and the powers may have other effects not listed. For more information, look at the corresponding pages for each power set.**

All of the Controller primary power sets are control sets. These include:

EarthGrasp StonePrisonEarth Control[]

Stone Prison: Single Target Immobilize

Fossilize: Single Target Hold

Stone Cages: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Quicksand: Targeted Location AoE, -Fly, -Jump, -Speed

Salt Crystals: PBAoE Foe Sleep

Stalagmites: Targeted AoE, Foe Disorient

Earthquake: Targeted Location AoE, Foe Knockdown

Volcanic Gases: Targeted Location AoE, Pulsing Foe Hold

FireTrap RingOfFireFire Control[]

Ring of Fire: Single Target Immobilize

Char: Single Target Hold

Fire Cages: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Flashfire: Targeted AoE Disorient

Cinders: PBAoE Hold

Bonfire: Targeted Location Knockback

GravityControl CrushGravity Control[]

Crush: Single Target Immobilize

Gravity Distortion: Single Target Hold

Crushing Field: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Gravity Distortion Field: Targeted AoE Hold

IceFormation ChillblainsIce Control[]

Chilblain: Single Target Immobilize

Block of Ice: Single Target Hold

Frostbite: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Shiver: Cone Slow

Ice Slick: Targeted Location Area of Effect, Knockdown

Flash Freeze: Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Sleep

Glacier: PBAoE Hold

Illusions BlindIllusion Control[]

Blind: Single Target Hold

Deceive: Single Target Confuse

Flash: PBAoE Hold

MentalControl HypnotizeMind Control[]

Mesmerize: Single Target Sleep

Levitate: Single Target Knockup

Dominate: Single Target Hold

Confuse: Single Target Confuse

Mass Hypnosis: Targeted AoE Sleep

Telekinesis: Targeted AoE Hold, Repel

Total Domination: Targeted AoE Hold

Terrify: Cone Fear

Mass Confusion: Targeted AoE Confuse

PlantControl EntanglePlant Control[]

Entangle: Single Target Immobilize

Strangler: Single Target Hold

Roots: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Spore Burst: Targeted AoE Sleep

Seeds of Confusion: Cone Confuse

Vines: Targeted AoE Hold

V archetypeicon dominator
Dominator Sets

**Note: Only the Control powers and effects will be listed. The set may have other powers and the powers may have other effects not listed. For more information, look at the corresponding pages for each power set.**

All of the Dominator primary power sets are control sets. These include:

EarthGrasp StonePrisonEarth Control[]

Stone Prison: Single Target Immobilize

Fossilize: Single Target Hold

Stone Cages: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Quicksand: Targeted Location AoE, -Fly, -Jump, -Speed

Salt Crystals: PBAoE Foe Sleep

Stalagmites: Targeted AoE, Foe Disorient

Earthquake: Targeted Location AoE, Foe Knockdown

Volcanic Gases: Targeted Location AoE, Pulsing Foe Hold

FireTrap RingOfFireFire Control[]

Ring of Fire: Single Target Immobilize

Char: Single Target Hold

Fire Cages: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Flashfire: Targeted AoE Disorient

Cinders: PBAoE Hold

Bonfire: Targeted Location Knockback

GravityControl CrushGravity Control[]

Crush: Single Target Immobilize

Gravity Distortion: Single Target Hold

Crushing Field: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Gravity Distortion Field: Targeted AoE Hold

IceFormation ChillblainsIce Control[]

Chilblain: Single Target Immobilize

Block of Ice: Single Target Hold

Frostbite: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Shiver: Cone Slow

Ice Slick: Targeted Location Area of Effect, Knockdown

Flash Freeze: Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Sleep

Glacier: PBAoE Hold

MentalControl HypnotizeMind Control[]

Mesmerize: Single Target Sleep

Levitate: Single Target Knockup

Dominate: Single Target Hold

Confuse: Single Target Confuse

Mass Hypnosis: Targeted AoE Sleep

Telekinesis: Targeted AoE Hold, Repel

Total Domination: Targeted AoE Hold

Terrify: Cone Fear

Mass Confusion: Targeted AoE Confuse

PlantControl EntanglePlant Control[]

Entangle: Single Target Immobilize

Strangler: Single Target Hold

Roots: Targeted AoE Immobilize

Spore Burst: Targeted AoE Sleep

Seeds of Confusion: Cone Confuse

Vines: Targeted AoE Hold
