City of Heroes Wiki

This is a listing of the costs of Magic Single Origin enhancements at various stores and contacts in City of Heroes. The darker rows are the Power 10 Enhancements.

Baseline prices

Icon Type Name Level 25 Level 30 Level 35 Level 40 Level 45 Level 50
SO Magic Accuracy Enhances Accuracy Insight of Grey 29952 35712 41472 47232 52992 58752
SO Magic Confusion Duration Enhances Confuse Duration Perplexity of Hermes 16800 20160 23520 26880 30240 33600
SO Magic Damage Enhances Damage Fury of Joule 30000 36000 42000 48000 54000 60000
SO Magic Defense Buff Enhances Defense Buffs Shield of Joule 21000 25200 29400 33600 37800 42000
SO Magic Defense DeBuff Enhances Defense Debuffs Devastation of Joule 21900 26280 30660 35040 39420 43800
SO Magic Endurance Cost Reduces Endurance Cost Power of Grey 27900 33480 39060 44640 50220 55800
SO Magic Fear Duration Enhances Fear Duration Horror of Hermes 13800 16560 19320 22080 24840 27600
SO Magic Flight Speed Enhances Flight Speed Swiftness of Joule 18900 22680 26460 30240 34020 37800
SO Magic Heal Enhances Heal Grace of Joule 30000 36000 42000 48000 54000 60000
SO Magic Hold Duration Enhances Hold Duration Paralyzation of Joule 19800 23760 27720 31680 35640 39600
SO Magic Immobilization Duration Enhances Immobilization Duration Bands of Hermes 21900 26280 30660 35040 39420 43800
SO Magic Intangibility Duration Enhances Intangibility Duration Phasing of Grey 10500 12600 14700 16800 18900 21000
SO Magic Interrupt Time Decreases Interrupt Time Skip of Joule 18000 21600 25200 28800 32400 36000
SO Magic Jump Enhances Jump Hurdle of Grey 12000 14400 16800 19200 21600 24000
SO Magic KnockBack Distance Enhances KnockBack Distance Smite of Hermes 9900 11880 13860 15840 17820 19800
SO Magic Range Enhances Range Extension of Joule 24000 28800 33600 38400 43200 48000
SO Magic Attack Rate Increases Attack Rate Renewing of Hermes 27900 33480 39060 44640 50220 55800
SO Magic Endurance Modification Enhances Endurance Modification Resolution of Grey 24000 28800 33600 38400 43200 48000
SO Magic Damage Resistance Enhances Damage Resistance Shield of Hermes 19800 23760 27720 31680 35640 39600
SO Magic Running Speed Enhances Running Speed Stride of Grey 19800 23760 27720 31680 35640 39600
SO Magic Sleep Duration Enhances Sleep Duration Rest of Hermes 21900 26280 30660 35040 39420 43800
SO Magic Slow powers Enhances Slow Powers Pacification of Hermes 21900 26280 30660 35040 39420 43800
SO Magic Disorient Duration Enhances Disorient Duration Bewildering of Hermes 22800 27360 31920 36480 41040 45600
SO Magic Taunt Effectiveness Enhances Taunt Effectiveness Voice of Hermes 15000 18000 21000 24000 27000 30000
SO Magic ToHit Buffs Enhances ToHit Buffs Aim of Joule 21900 26280 30660 35040 39420 43800
SO Magic ToHit DeBuffs Enhances ToHit DeBuffs Neglect of Joule 15900 19080 22260 25440 28620 31800

150% baseline prices

Icon Type Name Level 25 Level 30 Level 35 Level 40 Level 45 Level 50
SO Magic Accuracy Enhances Accuracy Insight of Grey 44928 53568 62208 70848 79488 88128
SO Magic Confusion Duration Enhances Confuse Duration Perplexity of Hermes 25200 30240 35295 40320 45360 50400
SO Magic Damage Enhances Damage Fury of Joule 45000 54000 63000 72000 81000 90000
SO Magic Defense Buff Enhances Defense Buffs Shield of Joule 31500 37800 44100 50400 56700 63000
SO Magic Defense DeBuff Enhances Defense Debuffs Devastation of Joule 32850 39420 45990 52560 59130 65700
SO Magic Endurance Cost Reduces Endurance Cost Power of Grey 41850 50220 58590 66960 75330 83700
SO Magic Fear Duration Enhances Fear Duration Horror of Hermes 20700 24840 28980 33120 37260 41400
SO Magic Flight Speed Enhances Flight Speed Swiftness of Joule 28350 34020 39690 45360 51030 56700
SO Magic Heal Enhances Heal Grace of Joule 45000 54000 63000 72000 81000 90000
SO Magic Hold Duration Enhances Hold Duration Paralyzation of Joule 29700 35640 41580 47520 53460 59400
SO Magic Immobilization Duration Enhances Immobilization Duration Bands of Hermes 32850 39420 45990 52560 59130 65700
SO Magic Intangibility Duration Enhances Intangibility Duration Phasing of Grey 15750 18900 22050 25200 28350 31500
SO Magic Interrupt Time Decreases Interrupt Time Skip of Joule 27000 32400 37800 43200 48600 54000
SO Magic Jump Enhances Jump Hurdle of Grey 18000 21600 25200 28800 32400 36000
SO Magic KnockBack Distance Enhances KnockBack Distance Smite of Hermes 14850 17820 20790 23760 26730 26700
SO Magic Range Enhances Range Extension of Joule 36000 43200 50400 57600 64800 72000
SO Magic Attack Rate Increases Attack Rate Renewing of Hermes 41850 50220 58590 66960 75330 83700
SO Magic Endurance Modification Enhances Endurance Modification Resolution of Grey 36000 43200 50400 57600 64800 72000
SO Magic Damage Resistance Enhances Damage Resistance Shield of Hermes 29700 35640 41580 47520 53460 59400
SO Magic Running Speed Enhances Running Speed Stride of Grey 29700 35640 41580 47520 53460 59400
SO Magic Sleep Duration Enhances Sleep Duration Rest of Hermes 32850 39420 45990 52560 59130 65700
SO Magic Slow powers Enhances Slow Powers Pacification of Hermes 32850 39420 45990 52560 59130 65700
SO Magic Disorient Duration Enhances Disorient Duration Bewildering of Hermes 34200 41040 47880 54720 61560 68400
SO Magic Taunt Effectiveness Enhances Taunt Effectiveness Voice of Hermes 22500 27000 31500 36000 40500 45000
SO Magic ToHit Buffs Enhances ToHit Buffs Aim of Joule 32850 39420 45990 52560 59130 65700
SO Magic ToHit DeBuffs Enhances ToHit DeBuffs Neglect of Joule 23850 28620 33390 38160 42930 47700

200% baseline prices

Icon Type Name Level 25 Level 30 Level 35 Level 40 Level 45 Level 50
SO Magic Accuracy Enhances Accuracy Insight of Grey 59904 71424 82944 94464 105984 117504
SO Magic Confusion Duration Enhances Confuse Duration Perplexity of Hermes 33600 40320 47040 53760 60480 67200
SO Magic Damage Enhances Damage Fury of Joule 60000 72000 84000 96000 108000 120000
SO Magic Defense Buff Enhances Defense Buffs Shield of Joule 42000 50400 58800 67200 75600 84000
SO Magic Defense DeBuff Enhances Defense Debuffs Devastation of Joule 43800 52560 61320 70080 78840 87600
SO Magic Endurance Cost Reduces Endurance Cost Power of Grey 55800 66960 78120 89280 100440 111600
SO Magic Fear Duration Enhances Fear Duration Horror of Hermes 27600 33120 38640 44160 49680 55200
SO Magic Flight Speed Enhances Flight Speed Swiftness of Joule 37800 45360 52920 60480 68040 75600
SO Magic Heal Enhances Heal Grace of Joule 60000 72000 84000 96000 10800 120000
SO Magic Hold Duration Enhances Hold Duration Paralyzation of Joule 39600 47520 55440 63360 71280 79200
SO Magic Immobilization Duration Enhances Immobilization Duration Bands of Hermes 43800 52560 61320 70080 78840 87600
SO Magic Intangibility Duration Enhances Intangibility Duration Phasing of Grey 21000 25200 29400 33600 37800 42000
SO Magic Interrupt Time Decreases Interrupt Time Skip of Joule 36000 43200 50400 57600 64800 72000
SO Magic Jump Enhances Jump Hurdle of Grey 24000 28800 33600 38400 43200 48000
SO Magic KnockBack Distance Enhances KnockBack Distance Smite of Hermes 19800 23760 27720 31680 35640 39600
SO Magic Range Enhances Range Extension of Joule 48000 57600 67200 76800 86400 96000
SO Magic Attack Rate Increases Attack Rate Renewing of Hermes 55800 66960 78120 89280 100440 111600
SO Magic Endurance Modification Enhances Endurance Modification Resolution of Grey 48000 57600 67200 76800 86400 96000
SO Magic Damage Resistance Enhances Damage Resistance Shield of Hermes 39600 47520 55440 63360 71280 79200
SO Magic Running Speed Enhances Running Speed Stride of Grey 39600 47520 55440 63360 71280 79200
SO Magic Sleep Duration Enhances Sleep Duration Rest of Hermes 43800 52560 61320 70080 78840 87600
SO Magic Slow powers Enhances Slow Powers Pacification of Hermes 43800 52560 61320 70080 78840 87600
SO Magic Disorient Duration Enhances Disorient Duration Bewildering of Hermes 45600 54720 63840 72960 82080 91200
SO Magic Taunt Effectiveness Enhances Taunt Effectiveness Voice of Hermes 30000 36000 42000 48000 54000 60000
SO Magic ToHit Buffs Enhances ToHit Buffs Aim of Joule 43800 52560 61320 70080 78840 87600
SO Magic ToHit DeBuffs Enhances ToHit DeBuffs Neglect of Joule 31800 38160 44520 50880 57240 63600