Regeneration lets you regenerate more quickly from damage and effects. Regeneration offers almost no actual damage resistance, but your Hit Point and Endurance Regeneration can become so incredibly fast, that your wounds heal almost instantly. Those who possess this power set have little downtime, but risk the effects of spike damage.
Power Tables[]
The Regeneration powerset is available as a secondary set for Scrappers and Brutes . The following table shows which powers are available and at what level:
Using ancient techniques, you can make yourself more resilient to pain. Thus, you can take more damage before being defeated. When you activate this power you will increase your maximum Hit Points for a couple of minutes.
Hide makes you almost impossible to detect. When properly 'Hidden", a Stalker can pull off Critical hits with his attacks, and even land a massive 'Assassins Strike' with an Assassins power. When you attack or are damaged while using this power, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and retain some bonus to Defense. Unlike most stealth powers, Hide can be used at the same time as other Concealment powers, giving you even greater stealth capability. Very low Endurance cost.
When you activate this power, you can regenerate your health at an astounding rate. This boost to you regeneration rate last about a minute and takes a long time to recharge once used.
When you activate this power, you can regenerate your wounds so fast, you practically absorb some of the inflicted damage. This grants absorption over time while it's active.
You can Integrate your mind and body, making you resistant to Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, and Immobilization effects, as well as increase your regeneration rate, for as long as you can keep this toggle power active.
When you activate this power, you gain Resistance and Defense to all damage types except Psionics, recover Endurance more quickly, and are highly resistant to Sleep, Disorient, Immobilization, and Hold effects.
Through perfect control of your body, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. The effects of Reconstruction also leaves you resistant to toxic damage for a while.
You are more Resilient. This power allows you to build up a resistance to disorientation effects. You tend not to get disoriented, and if you do, it wears off quickly. This resistance to disorientation gets stronger as you go up in level. Resilience also grants some resistance to smashing, lethal and toxic damage. This power is always on.
Should you fall in battle, you can Revive yourself from the brink of death. You will revive with most of your hit points and half your endurance and be protected from experience debt for 20 seconds.
When you use this power you will recover a percentage of your missing health, in addition to increasing your maximum hit points in a similar way. The less hit points you have left, the more powerful this effect will be. Should you fall in battle, you can use this power at its maximum strength to stand up and fight again. If used while defeated, you will be protected from XP Debt for 90 seconds and immune to most damage for 15 seconds. Although this power cost no endurance, it will take drain 10 endurance if used while still standing.
This section contains information about changes that took place in City of Heroes. It is provided for historical purposes.
Instant Healing was originally a Toggle power, but was changed to a Click power with the release of Issue 5.
Regeneration has been a long standing joke in the discussion of power "nerfs". This is mainly due to the fact that in early issues of the game regeneration was constantly changed. It was added to the Brute class in issue 21 .
Moment of Glory was originally a power which prevented all regeneration, took away almost all Hit Points, and lasted for 195 seconds. After that, the buff of the power faded, leaving you with little health and no regeneration for a short while. The new version, introduced shortly after Issue 11, lasts 20 seconds and has no Hit Point penalty or crash.