Toggle: PBAoE, Team Stealth, +DEF(All), +Res(Energy, Negative, Psionics, Fear)
Envelops you and your nearby teammates in a shroud of darkness. Shadow Fall does not grant Invisibility, but it does make you harder to detect. Even if you are discovered, Shadow Fall grants a bonus to Defense bonus to all attacks and Resistance to Fear, while reducing Energy, Negative Energy, and Psionic Damage. You cannot use any other Concealment type power while using Shadow Fall. Recharge: Slow
Type: toggle
Cast: 2.03 seconds
Tick: 1.04 endurance every 2 seconds
Recharge: 15 seconds
Affects: self and allies, 40' radius, 7 area factor, autohit
• +35 feet stealth on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping, and has not clicked mission object in 10 seconds
+0.5x defense on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
+2x energy, negative, and psionic damage resistance on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
+5x fear resistance on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
-20x fear on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
+3.75% defense on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
+15% energy, negative, and psionic damage resistance on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
+173% fear resistance on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
-6.92 fear on target if target is not held, stunned, or sleeping
Shadow Fall was present at launch as a Dark Miasma power. It was proliferated as a Darkness Affinity power in Issue 22: Death Incarnate.