City of Heroes® Super Booster III: Superscience includes stereotypical science-based emotes, costume pieces, and access to a new type of tailor that can modify your height, weight, and gender, and body type on a per-costume slot basis.
This purchase enables these features for all characters on the game account. It is available in the NC Store for $9.99.
Costume Pieces[]
Regular Emotes[]
/em experiment
/em calculate
Costume Change Emotes[]
/cce # ccdrinkformula
/cce # ccsuperserum
Super Tailor: Cosmetic Surgeon[]
The Super Tailor is a new Tailor NPC called the Cosmetic Surgeon, located near existing Tailors and enabled through purchase of Super Booster III: Superscience. The Cosmetic Surgeon can modify your character's height, build, body type, and even gender in each of your costume slots.