City of Heroes Wiki

Notice that the icon used for Kick is incorrect. There seems to be a bug with this faction, since they even use the Brawl animation at the beginning of a combat (they don't have Brawl, at least so far), despite that what you get is that strange combo of Brawl/Kick icon. After that, they use Kick animation, but still an incorrect icon.

--Yakovlev 10:25, 31 Jan 2006 (CST)

According to the data files, it actually is brawl, even though it says kick in the description. --StarGeek 11:21, 31 Jan 2006 (CST)

Well, it may be so, but they use the Kick animation/move... O_o

--Yakovlev 13:25, 31 Jan 2006 (CST)

Wing Sting Agents[]

Wing Sting Agents have probably the same attacks than the regular Sting Agents. Escort NPCs took the poor guy down so fast that I only had the chance to see him use those two attacks =(

--Yakovlev 13:50, 6 Feb 2006 (CST)
